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Kirkpatrick on QVC

November 25, 2009 WaxWorks president Kirk Kirkpatrick was caught moonlighting this month on QVC, selling DVDs of It's a Wonderful Life from Paramount Home Entertainment
You can catch the whole pitch here: http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.item.F08522.desc.Its-a-Wonderful-Life-DVD-Set-with-Holiday-Bell-Ornament.cm_scid.zone?cm_sp=MerchZone-_-IROA-_-1
Kirk tells us he'll be back on the shopping channel again soon to sell a DVD set from Scholastic.
No word yet on whether Joan Rivers or any of the other guest hosts are feeling threatened. :)

Posted by Cindy Spielvogel on November 25, 2009 | Comments (2)

December 1, 2009
In response to: Kirkpatrick on QVC
Barry commented:

Kirk is a class act and has a true Midas-touch. With his vast experience in the video industry, coupled with his extensive TV broadcasting experience, he is a great fit as a host to sell DVDs on QVC.

December 22, 2009
In response to: Kirkpatrick on QVC
Sassy B commented:

Kirk is such a nice addition to QVC. He is a true and talented professional. I hope we will be seeing him again soon!

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