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Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned

December 26, 2007

Just prior to the long Christmas weekend, I posted a story online that carried a mistake. Instead of saying that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on HD DVD was selling slightly below its Blu-ray version at a 45 to 55 ratio, I went all dyslexic and inverted the numbers to say HD DVD was actually outpacing Blu-ray at a 55 to 45 ratio. That was wrong.  Or WRONG!!!!! according to the dozens of emails I got from pretty pissed-off readers. It has since been corrected. I do agree that I was careless, probably stupidly careless, for making that error. But I'm not sure if it merited the sort of 'extreme enthusiasm' it generated. 
Even with the error, the basic gist of the story should still stand. According to Universal, who used the latest Nielsen/VideoScan research, Order of the Phoenix is showing unusual strength on HD DVD versus the general trend of BD outselling HD DVD counterparts by a much wider ratios of 2 to 1 or 3 to 1. There was some scuttlebutt over the questionable objectiveness of Universal's Ken Graffeo talking about a Warner title. But Graffeo also speaks for the North American HD DVD Promotion Group, of which Warner is too a member.
However, there is something truly awesome about my email spanking. It shows that there are plenty of people who ferociously care about this high-def stuff. That has to bode well for the eventual mainstream adoption of high-def, whether its Blu-ray or HD DVD or both.

Posted by Susanne Ault on December 26, 2007 | Comments (11)

December 26, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Oh Please commented:

You know when you screw up, you should at least print that BLU beat red 55-45, instead of continuing to print this:

"Additionally, notes Universal using Nielsen/Video Scan, Warner Home Video’s HD DVD release of Order of the Phoenix is nearly even with sales of its BD version, managing a 45 to 55 ratio."

What is that. That's your mea culpa. How about saying blu beat red 55-45 with a 10 point spread. nearly even my eye. You're biased...

December 26, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
BobbyB09 commented:

Yeah, it IS very close to even...especially considering Blu-Ray has 3 million playable devices in the US as opposed to under 1 million for HD DVD! Speaks volumes for the attach rates and also for HD DVD's continuing momentum. Warner's "300" sold more than 2:1 for Blu-Ray, now their next major blockbuster is nearly dead even! Considring the higher costs of manufacturing Blu-Ray discs, HD DVD probably generates more money for Warner with the Harry Potter films. I foresee WB following Paramount & ditching Blu-Ray before the end of 2008.

December 26, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Fan of Both commented:

Yes, you will find that the Blu-ray fans tend to react in a rather heated way compared to their HD-DVD counterparts on anything that even remotely suggests that BR has been "wronged." I have no horse in this race (supporting both formats with over 100 titles of each) but am constantly amazed how quickly the Blu-boys (and girls) are to attack viciously. This was uncalled for - at least at the level that you indicated happened. Don't take it personally. It's the nature of the beast. It's only media, gang not world domination! <g> Keep on bloggin'

December 26, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Tim Bryant commented:

I tend to agree with BobbyB09's assessment. HD-DVD is clobbering the Blu with attach rates. I own both formats but you gotta give Toshiba and the HD camp credit, not only are they still around but they are flourishing. Alot of titles in Blu have outsold their HD counterparts by 2 to 1. I think that margin however is coming to an end with all the new HD players being sold this Christmas, the higher attach rates should start paying dividends for Toshiba and their supporters.

December 27, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Ryan commented:

Sorry you had to endure the wrath of blu-ray fans. You can thank a member of the blu-ray forum for posting your email address on a public forum. Classless indeed.

December 27, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
classicsonvideo commented:

What is funny, Susanne, is that these comments listed below are very funny. They say that blu-ray fans are the ones getting bent all out of shape. I regularly follow the threads of several high-def websites, and it goes both ways, but since there are no threads here, they say it is blu-ray fans. I think its disgusting the way people are cursing at each other, insulting each other, why AVS forum had to shut down their hd-dvd vs. blu threads because of threats and the police had to be called in.

I am not sure where the loyalty comes from customers. If they hate the opposing format so much, aren't they just hurting themselves with all that anger and time spent fighting, and on top of it, they are missing half of the great high-def releases. They are being so loyal to Toshiba or Sony, who could care less what they think. It's sad, yet funny.

Let me end in saying that if anyone wants to see, go and read some of the threads in the smackdown forums (hd-dvd vs. blu-ray). I think you will find an equal amount of childish banter on both sides, not just the blu-ray side.

I am a retailer with 8 video rental/sales stores. I disliked immensly your first story because it throws the stores off on what is happening at retail. A story such as this could cause retailers to buy wrong. I also disagreed in putting a Universal interview into a headline news story. This should have been in a commentary section, it had no place in news. We rely in your publication.

Your column surely had a fury going on the internet, that's for sure, and what is sad is that it looks like it made its way into the print edition. I could care less about these "fanboys" on the internet, they leave no good for the opposing side, but I do care what I read about business, because I am heavily invested in these formats. One buying mistake from reading a story saying one format sold more that is wrong can cost me hundreds or thousands of dollars. It's not just fanboys that were angry, I regularly email several store chain owners, and they all did not appreciate the story.

Please in the future when interviewing one side, get comment on those comments from the other side. The HD-DVD promotional group will always spill false information, as they always have. Same with the Sony side. We expect equal coverage, and a chance for one side to respond to such a story.

I will say again, our stores sell blu-ray 5 to 1 this holiday over hd-dvd. We have removed our hd-dvd rental section except for the week's new release if a current hit.

To the posters before me who are clobering blu-ray people who found this story wrong...they had a right to be upset, as did retailers. But I'd advise you guys and gals to practice what you preach, some of the posting names here after this column do the same thing on high-def-digest.

December 27, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
The future is Blu commented:

Considering how badly HD DVD has done in 2007 I'm surprised that Blu-ray fans even care about this article.

I guess since HD DVD fanatics have acted so indignantly in the face of certain doom, it's not completely unwarranted that "articles" with lazy facts be corrected.

December 28, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Ryan commented:

The only thing that has sold poorly in HDM is BD standalones. HD DVD has done well for itself considering there are 8.4 million BD players vs 750,000k HD players when the software split is only 1.6:1. Of course BD is still winning but neither has done poorly at all.

December 28, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
klt commented:

Poor HDDVD fanboys always crying:but...but...but attach rate?LOL.

December 29, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
Hi-Def commented:

Poor journalism on your part girl. So many HD-DVD fans posting that are misinformed and still can't face the truth!

December 29, 2007
In response to: Hell Hath No Fury Like a High-Def Fan Scorned
JediM commented:

well Ryan, if you are posting NUMBERS at least post correct numbers.... 8.4mil blu-rays is close to worldwide number for PS3, and 750,000 HD DVD player is US domestic number of standalones+ xbox addon, so next time check your numbers...

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