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Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD

January 25, 2008

It looks like Toshiba has booked a HD DVD commercial to run during the Feb. 3 Super Bowl. Could this be the 'Hail Mary' pass that changes format war momentum? After news that Blu-ray represented a whopping 90% of all high-def sets sold for the week ending Jan. 12, HD DVD is in danger of being in that fourth and long position on the format war field. But a Super Bowl ad would get it out to the perfect audience most primed to desire a high-def set-top. Sports fans want their films like their football games, in high-octane picture and sound. I had said earlier that if we had more of nail-biter of a match-up than the Giants and the Patriots,  more viewers would be drawn to this year's Super Bowl, helping sell high-def sets and high-def hardware. But there are reports that Patriots star QB has been missing from practice, following a sprained ankle,  leaving me to think we could be in for an exciting, more evenly matched, showdown between the two teams. That would definitely bode well for the HD DVD camp.

Posted by Susanne Ault on January 25, 2008 | Comments (19)

January 25, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
free2speak commented:

It better be a great commercial. I am looking forward to it.

January 26, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Geoff commented:

Stick to writing about HiDef. The Giants are going to be in this game! Toshiba's going to need more than a super bowl ad to get back in this fight.

January 26, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD

Too little... Too late. Toshiba probably bought this spot more than three months ago and can't get their money back.

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
jack commented:

wow, you really think a commercial is going to change anything?? thats sad.

I thought Transformers was the savior? now its a commercial??? too funny. Thanks for a good chuckle.

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Eli Manning commented:

HD-DVD lost.

Nice try with the football analogy though...

"HD DVD is in danger of being in that fourth and long position on the format war field."

-classic lol (game was over in the 2nd quarter)

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Eli Manning commented:

HD-DVD lost.

Nice try with the football analogy though...

"HD DVD is in danger of being in that fourth and long position on the format war field."

-classic lol (game was already over in the 2nd quarter)

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Ole Oleson commented:

I guess you haven't heard that the reason Blu-ray has smoked HD DVD for almost 60 consecutive weeks is because they actually sell software to the millions of Blu-ray owners. Toshiba practically gave their players away and people still wouldn't buy their software. A forgettable 30 second tv spot isn't going to change that.

What exactly are you trying to hold on to Sussane?

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Tom Brady commented:

Eli is right.

January 27, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Michael Strahan commented:

unfortunately, Tom is right, about Eli being right.

(Tom im gonna eat your heart out Superbowl Sunday sucka!)

January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Little Bill commented:

The few that intrigued by this SB add will head to Circuit City and find all HD DVD players with clearance tags on them.

January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Ryan commented:

People still shop at Circuit City?

I figured they'd head to the #1 retailer, Best Buy.

January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Jim McMahon commented:

Eli and Tom are both right....

Are you honestly trying to equate this with football.....

"That would definitely bode well for the HD DVD camp."

Are even serious.... More like delusional...

hd-dvd is hd-dead.

"HD-DVD, The Look and Sound Of Crickets In The Basement"

Oh and ummmm...


January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Amir Majidimehr commented:

Suzanne, you are a complete idiot.
Anyone can see that HD DVD lost, one commercial in the Super Bowl will not help as when they go to buy the player, the sales reps will be telling them "don't you know that HD DVD lost" and will explain why it's pointless to buy an HD DVD player.
Suzanne, you are the #1 HD DVD cheerleader, that much is obvious. YOur articles are just bafflingly stupid.

January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
daveyd commented:

hmmm...toshiba probably booked this months in advanced, and having read the small print, have found that they cant have their money back. Gutted for you Tosh, perhaps a BD/HDDVD dual player will save HDDVD?

January 28, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
daveydee commented:

Davey i think your wrong.
Lower prices will save HDDVD
Chinese HDDVD players will save HDDVD
Heroes will save hddvd
transformers will save hddvd
shrek 3 will save hddvd
lower prices(part 2) will save hddvd
firesales(part 1) will save hddvd
christmas gifts will save hddvd will save hddvd
you get the idea?
lower prices (part3, revised)

January 29, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
doby commented:

Nothing can save HD DVD.

January 31, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Verbal commented:

Wow...are you into Yoga, Susanne? 'Cause that's a whole lotta stretching right there...

Out of curiosity, what good do you think a fourth-quarter touchdown will be when you're losing 90-10?

February 3, 2008
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
Tom Brady commented:

...so much for that Hail Mary.

July 13, 2009
In response to: Toshiba Goes for Super Bowl TD
IQs commented:

Thanks for this post!

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