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'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'

June 26, 2009 I moderated a panel about BD Live at the ESCA conference this week in which we talked about the potential for BD Live to drive consumer  marketing information back to the studios. There was some evidence that this is happening, via information collected in the registration process, through direct surveys, and in part by simple observation of what features people are using. 
But perhaps the best example of marketing information flowing to the studios was related to Digital Copy. In a presentation by Warner Home Video senior VP Dorinda Marticorena, it was revealed that 440,000 users activated the Digital Copy on the Blu-ray version of The Dark Knight, representing 22% of the 2 million copies sold. 
Marticorena said she had never seen as high a redemption rate on anything. A Sunday fsi coupon, for instance, might get a redemptin rate of 1% to 2%. "It definitely says consumers are loving this," Marticorena said of Digital Copy.
(For the Digital Copy on the special edition standard DVD, the usage rate was also high, but not quite 22%.)
Warner is also loving it for its ability to market related items. When consumers access the Digital Copy, they can opt in for future promotions -- in this case, for Batman merchandise ranging from coffee mugs to kiddie pajamas. "Opt-ins become part of the direct marketing database," Marticorena said. 
She swears she didn't come up with the verbiage on her PPT presentation: "Holy Consumerism, Batman! Buy More Crap!"

Posted by Marcy Magiera on June 26, 2009 | Comments (9)

September 23, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Todd Bywith commented:

Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking your feeds too now, Thanks.

September 26, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
trade stocks online commented:

Super site....where's the blog roll?

September 29, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Online Stock Trading commented:

Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking your feeds too now, Thanks.

September 29, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Online Stock Investing commented:

Hey very nice blog!!....I'm an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I'll be checking back on a regular....See ya

September 29, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Online Stock Investing commented:

Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so, Excellent post!

September 29, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Online Stock Trading commented:

Hey very nice blog!!....I'm an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I'll be checking back on a regular....See ya

September 30, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Online Stock Trading commented:

Hey very nice blog!!....I'm an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I'll be checking back on a regular....See ya

September 30, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Carl Vandors commented:

Your site is extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for information on this subject last Thursday.

October 10, 2009
In response to: 'Holy Consumerism, Batman!'
Edward Lane commented:

Hey very nice blog!!....I'm an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I'll be checking back on a regular....See ya

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